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The book of Ezra, tucked away in the Old Testament, is often overlooked, yet it is remarkable for its relevance to the modern world. Ezra the scribe is a warm-hearted man who exercised a powerful ministry of spiritual, practical leadership to the Jews who had returned to Israel after the exile in Babylon. Love for God’s Word is a hallmark of his life, and he stands as a powerful example in...

Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Thus says the LORD of hosts: “Consider your ways! Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified,” says the LORD (Hag. 1:5–8). It is as if God is saying to the people: ‘Where has all this concentration and effort upon your own concerns got you in the end? Are you any happier, or more contented, or more at peace in your hearts? No, because I have withheld my blessing from you because you have neglected
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